Page Curl

Clive R. Haynes FRPS

Adding an ‘Inside Shadow’

To further help three-dimensionality we need a shadow where the ‘curl’ leaves the underneath image.  The beginning is similar to making the ’sheen’

Create a New Layer at the top of the Layer Stack and rename it ‘Inside Shadow’

Use the Marquee Selection Tool to create a long narrow vertical selection to the left of the ‘curl’



Fill the selection with Black.  Don’t worry if the selection and consequent ‘fill’ overspills the desired area, this can be tidied up

Deselect (Ctrl + D)

Set the Opacity for the ‘Inside Shadow’ Layer to about 22%

Add a Layer Mask to this Layer and using the Gradient Tool, much as before to remove as much of the black (now grey) area to produce a convincing ‘shadow’. 

Use the Brush Tool to tidy up any extraneous pieces of ‘black–fill’

Above: 'Inside shadow' added to further separate the 'curl'

Desaturate the ‘Inside Page’

Activate the ‘Curl’ Layer

Add a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer.

‘Group’ or ‘Clip’ this Adjustment Layer to the ‘Curl’ Layer by holding down Shift+Ctrl+G (or via Layer > Create Clipping Mask) and set the Saturation to (say) -40.  This will dull-down the surface of the ‘curl’ to give the impression of a ‘peel –back’.  The step is optional.


Above: Desaturated 'curl'


In the next step another shadow is added and the 'curl' repositioned, click 'Continue' below

Page Curl - Continued

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