Page Curl

Clive R. Haynes FRPS


Putting a ‘Sheen’ on the ‘Curl’

To render the ‘curl’ more convincing and add some three-dimensionality, the next stage is to create a selective vertical band of lightness or ‘sheen’

Make a New Layer at the top of the Layer stack and rename as ‘Sheen’

Use the Marquee Selection Tool to create a vertical selection on the ‘curl’.



Add an Adjustment Layer, choose Brightness/Contrast (‘Levels’ or ‘Curves’ would serve equally as well) and brighten the area.  I used Brightness 60 and Contrast 14.  It’s an Adjustment Layer so you can revisit it


Choose the Gradient Tool set to Linear Gradient, Foreground to Transparent, 33% Opacity, Tick ‘Reverse’, ‘Dither’ and ‘Opacity’  - See ‘screen grab’ below


To blend the brightness of the ‘sheen’ choose Black as the Foreground colour and hold down the Shift Key whilst click/dragging the Gradient from the centre of the ‘Sheen’ to right and left for a few strokes until a pleasing gradual ‘sheen’ is made.  Take care not to leave hard edges where the ‘sheen’ stops
Readjust the Brightness/Contrast settings (Adjustment Layer) as required



The next step is to add an 'inside shadow', click 'Continue' below

Page Curl - Continued

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