Hand-Tinting continued....

Boosting the Image

Clive R. Haynes FRPS


I experimented with some further adventures by making ‘merged layers' of all the work as ‘Stamp Visible' layers. I then boosted the detail and colour tone with some really useful ‘Topaz Labs' Plug-in filters (click on 'Topaz Labs' for more info or use the link at the base of this page).

I successively added Topaz filters, gradually building the image and editing with Layer Masks. I finalised the image by selectively adjusting local contrast using ‘Curves' then carefully darkening areas to add modeling and drama. The ‘screen grab' of the final Layer Structure illustrates the build-up from the base. The three successive Topaz Labs Plug-in filters were: Adjust 5, (Vibrant Collection) ‘Spicify', Adjust 5, (Stylised Collection) ‘Painting Venice' and ‘Simplify 3, ‘BuzzSim'.


Below is the Layer Structure for the final version


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