Digital Workflow Fundamentals

Genral Advice and General Photoshop Workflow Practice

Clive R. Haynes FRPS


Wherever possible shoot using 'RAW'

Turn off in-camera sharpening (when shooting in RAW this really shouldn’t make any difference but it’s good practice anyway)
Camera White-Balance set to ‘Auto’ (This is a general purpose recommendation – circumstances may dictate another setting from time to time)

Calibrate to ICC standard

Initial RAW Adjustment
Via Adobe' Bridge' Open (preferably as a as 'RAW' file) in Adobe Camera RAW (ACR) with no sharpening applied.

Make any obvious corrections to exposure, colour or lens aberration in the 'RAW' file reader, otherwise known as Adobe Camera RAW (ACR).  Correct any sloping, skewing or perspective errors

In Photoshop 
Make adjustments to contrast via 'Levels' or 'Curves' (preferably via an 'Adjustment Layer) - see section on my website about the advantages of Adjustment layers

In addition, any changes to hue / saturation or toning should also be carried out via an Adjustment Layer

Remove any blemishes by Cloning Stamp and / or Healing Brush tool

Remove any unwanted material

Use as many ‘Layers’ as possible to make later ‘edits’ simpler

Import additional images if / as needed

Carry out any ‘artistic’ changes, filters & effects, (and add any text) as needed

Crop to size

Sharpen as required using Unsharp Mask or Smart Sharpen For choices about sharpening, see my website

Output  Prints or Social Media
Set print size at required dimensions - do not 'resample' unless it's a necessity 
Do not reduce image ppi to less than 200ppi for any print size
When printing use correct printer / paper 'profile', set at 1440 dpi, make a test strip / test print, study the result, make any corrections.  Make finished print.

For web or social media set to required image size and 'Save As' JPEG

See also: Digital Workflow Chart