Blurring the Background (continued) Clive R. Haynes FRPS |
Look at the area that's just been filled and make further Content-Aware edits or Clone-Stamp edits to clean it up. This layer is going to be blurred soon so, within reason, you needn't be too fussy about the content. Once you are satisfied with the Background, activate the copy layer. |
Load the selection you have just saved. Do this by (menu bar) Select > Load Selection > OK. |
The 'marching ants' reappear. |
Click on the Layer Mask icon (dark grey circle inside a small square) at the base of the layers palette. A Layer Mask appears around the subject (layer 'thumbnail'). Where it's black areas will be concealed, where white, they will be revealed (visible). |
Deactivate the Background layer and with the layer mask active (click on it and a frame will appear around it - showing it's 'active), use a suitable brush and tidy up the mask to ensure the subject is 'cut out'. |
Activate the Background layer and right-click. From the menu choose Convert to Smart Object. You don't have to do this but it offers useful options for later editing. |
Once as a Smart Object', the Background Layer will become 'Layer 0' which means it works slightly differently. See below. |
Click 'Continued' below |